Media Coverage

Newspaper_Cover.svgA number of local and national publications have covered our work and that of our member organizations. Our members have also written about their involvement in the Network. Please see below for links. If you would like to interview us about our work, please send us a message via our contact form.

Note: some of the below articles refer to us as the “LGBT Faith and Asylum Network,” as they were published prior to our name change. For more information on our rebranding and expansion, please click here.

  • Human Rights Campaign. 2016. Coming to America: LGBT Asylum Seekers Face Years of Additional Hurdle. Washington, DC: Equality. Winter, February 1st, pg. 19-21. Click Here for Article.
  • Rogers, TJ. November 25, 2015. Viewpoint: Our Doors Are Open. Pride Source. Originally printed 11/25/2015 (Issue 2347 - Between The Lines News).